Would you like to support the Bee Free Project? Neither Richard nor Rhodri get paid for the time they dedicate to the project and have been using their own bees and beehives for training. So why fundraise?
We want to give every participant their own beekeeping safety equipment, their own beehives to look after and all the equipment they need to start beekeeping. This will encourage the participants to keep bees for years to come, carrying on a craft that is both useful to them as well as the environment. A very small sum is also used to cover the costs of ‘phone calls, essential paperwork, bank charges, costs to cover website hosting and at some point a small shed for us all to keep dry in the rain that will also act as a classroom.
Many who are suffering from PTSD are unable to work and are therefore reliant on the state for help. As the state only provides enough funds to live, there are no additional funds available to start beekeeping as the costs are prohibitively high. That’s why we want individuals to have their own beekeeping equipment after an initial period of instruction. That is why we are fundraising.
Please contact us by email or telephone 07580 982470.